Call Tracking Metrics (CTM) <-> HubSpot Integration

This integration walks through how to allow Call Tracking Metrics (CTM) to send data to HubSpot to properly map your leads. We will create properties and maps and triggers below to set up the integration.

Can your package support an integration?

Before you begin. Let’s verify that the packages you have can support this integration.

Call Tracking Metrics: Do you have the right type of account?

  • As of June 02, 2021 Call Tracking Metrics Plans must be the Marketing Plan or Contact Center Plan. The Business plan does not support HubSpot integration at this time.
  • You can visit this link for more details on what integrations your plan supports:
  • A plan upgrade is always an option.

HubSpot: Do. You have the right type of account?

  • All HubSpot accounts are built to allow you to use the API feature. Your job is to determine if you have set this up or not.
  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon.
  • In the left side menu, navigate to >API key.
  • If a key has never been generated for your account, click Generate API key.
  • If you've already generated an API key, click Show to display your key.
  • Now your HubSpot is set up to have an API key and you know where to find it.

Once you have confirmed the steps above let’s begin.



Locate your HubSpot ID

  1. Login to HubSpot
  2. If you manage more than one account, you will be prompted to choose the account you want to work in.
  3. Once in the correct account click on the profile photo in the upper right of the screen. Click on that circle.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear. Under the account you wish to integrate you will see a set of numbers. This is your HubSpot ID. Write this number down.


Linking HubSpot in Call Tracking Metrics (CTM)

  1. Login to Call Tracking Metrics
  2. If you manage more than one account, you will need to verify you are working in the correct account. To do this look on the upper right menu bar for an eye icon. 
    1. Picture1
    2. Click on the eye and you will see a drop down of all accounts. Choose the account you are looking to integrate.
  3. Click Settings - > A gear icon on the right side of you screen.
  4. Navigate to Integrations.
  5. In the search bar type “HubSpot”.
  6. Click on Settings under the Available Integrations – HubSpot box.
  7. Type in the Hub ID that you wrote down from above.
  8. Click Connect to HubSpot.

If you are going to work through the entire integration, proceed by following each section. If however you would like to get some of this set up now and save some of the steps for later please jump to section on Default Record Ownership.



CTM Integration Settings

The new way of setting up this integration involves using Trigger Settings instead of legacy settings. This document is focused on setting up the integration Using Trigger Settings.

  1. Start with verifying that “configure how we should link new calls with your HubSpot contacts” is set to Use Trigger Settings.
  2. Picture2
  3. Click on Advanced Hub Spot Options:
  4. The Create HubSpot Email setting can be slid on or off depending on what settings suit your needs. If you slide the slider to the on position an auto generated email will be placed in the email field for any users who do not have an email on file. The autogenerated email is the An example is
    1. If you are unsure of what settings to utilize contact CM or the client directly. Depending on how your client uses HubSpot and sorts and manages data they may have a specific opinion on this.

Agent Mapping in Call Tracking Metrics:

Determine how you want to map current HubSpot Owners. This step may already be complete. If someone has mapped a HubSpot Owner with a CTM Agent, you will see a name in the right column. For any users not mapped it says “Select an agent”. When you click down on the carrot if you do not see the name of your agent then you will have to manually add it. If no agents are mapped and you are unsure what to do proceed to Default Record Ownership.

Before you begin here is what you will need for adding any new user in CTM:

    • Email Address
    • Name First
    • Name Last,
    • Assigned Role:


Manages all aspects of an account.

Billing Manager

Manages billing on a customer account.

Report Manager

Manages reports and can view/edit/export the call log.

Call Manager

Accesses the call log and call map only.

Call Agent

Access calls that are routed or assigned to them and can make new calls.


Let’s Get Started manually adding New Users:

  1. Click Settings > A gear icon on the right side of you screen.
  2. Under User Management click Manage Users.
    1. This page shows you current users and allows you to add any additional users. You can always come back to this step and make edits.
  3. To add a New User: Click New Users and fill in the user details.
  4. Save Changes when Finished.

Agent Mapping

Go Back to your Settings Integration’s window.

  1. Click on HubSpot > Settings
  2. For any HubSpot Owner – You can select the associated agent.
    1. This may already be set up. If it is then move onto the next step.
    2. If this is not already set-up then proceed to step 3.
  3. Under Agent Mapping Select the Drop-Down menu to the right of any HubSpot Owner you would like to map.
  4. When you are complete click Save Mappings.

Default Record Ownership:

  1. Scroll to the Default Record Ownership section of the integration page and select the default owner you wish to use for records created or updated by the integration. You may choose a specific user, or you may choose to have the record assigned to the agent who answered the call.
    1. Choose: Answering Agent

Field Mapping

Scenario #1 Example:

Paul has his Call Tracking Metrics set up to track only information coming from Google Ads. Goal #1: He wants to make sure he gets credit in HubSpot when a lead comes in from Paid Search. Goal #2: He also wants to enhance his client’s experience. CTM collects valuable data. His client primarily uses HubSpot to track new users. If Paul can get all of this information in HubSpot both he and his client will have a better experience.

Paul is ready to start field mapping in his integration process. He follows the steps below.

To learn how to do this follow the steps below.

Field Mapping

The field mapping section allows you to create a CTM field to match any HubSpot fields and vice versa. This is what allows the integration to send the information to HubSpot that you want to see

  1. Click on Saved Mappings. Are there any current mappings set up?
    1. If you find a saved mapping familiarize yourself with it by scrolling down and verifying which CTM fields are selected and what HubSpot field do they correspond to.
    2. If there are no saved mappings proceed to Step 2.
  2. Click on New Mapping
  3. Click Add Mapping > Under Select a HubSpot Table
  4. Use the drop-down menu to select the type of object you’d like to create a mapping for (Contact, Company, or Deal).
  5. For this integration select Contact
  6. Scroll through and familiarize yourself with the newly loaded map settings. The settings on the left under HubSpot field are your HubSpot Properties.
  7. If you click any carrot on your right under CTM Field > a drop down will appear with the options, you can map from the CTM.
    1. The CTM fields are not something you can edit.
  8. You can edit the HubSpot fields by created properties in HubSpot that match the CTM field you wish to map.
    1. Recommended Mappings: CTM Call ID, CTM Call Recording, Google Ad Click ID,
  9. Determine which CTM fields you want to map the HubSpot fields. For each HubSpot field you wish to map, use the drop-down menu to select the corresponding CTM field. 
  10. If you do not see the HubSpot Field, you are looking for proceed to the next section to create those properties.
  11. You can save any mappings you have created. This section can be edited at a later date under Saved Mappings.

Do you see a CTM property that you want to map but you do not see the HubSpot Field? Proceed to HubSpot

Scenario #1 Continued

Paul realizes that there is no HubSpot Property for CTM Recording URL. Paul feels it would be really nice if his client could get the CTM call recording in HubSpot. What should he do?

Paul will need to create a custom property in HubSpot so that he can map this field to match what is available in Call Tracking Metrics.

To learn how to do this follow the steps below.


  1. Sign in and select your HubSpot Account
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right of your screen – Settings.
  3. On the left scroll down util you see the Heading Data Management. Click on
  4. HubSpot Properties store information about a contact, company, deal or ticket. Since we choose “Contact” above we want to create properties for the contact field.
  5. To create a property, click the orange button that says Create Property
  6. Under Object type select
    1. If you created a mapping for a different property above (Field Mapping Step 4) then this should match that selection.
  7. Under Select Group choose Contact Information
  8. The Label field is the name of your property. Choose a name that matches the CTM property. Since we are using our example with Paul, we will call this field “CTM Recording URL”
  9. Under Description describe the property you are going to create. Here is an example:
  10. Select the Field Type to match the type of information coming in. Single Line text should be able to accept a URL, multiline text may accept multiple words or a paragraph.
    1. Depending on what you are trying to map you may need to choose a different field type.
  11. Uncheck the box that say’s Show in forms.
    1. If you make any additional changes before hitting save you must redo step #11.
  12. Click “Create” but VERIFY that “Show in forms” is NOT selected.
  13. Repeat these steps to set up the Recommended Mappings: CTM Call ID.

Your properties are now created. You can repeat these steps for any additional properties.



It may take a few minutes before you see the new properties in CTM Field Mapping section. Refresh the page if you do not see your mappings.

  1. Navigate to Call Tracking Metrics. If the original field mapping is not still open, you can find saved field mappings under the Saved Mappings
  2. For each HubSpot field you wish to map, use the drop-down menu to select the corresponding CTM field. You may also choose a default value for each mapped field and select whether new data will overwrite existing values in HubSpot.
  3. Click Save Mappings

Set Up Triggers

Triggers are what tell the data you just mapped when to send updates to HubSpot.

  1. Navigate to Calls > Triggers and click New Trigger.
  2. Enter a name for your trigger.
    1. “HubSpot Call Tracking” is the name I used.
  3. Describe what the trigger is for.
  4. Use the drop-down menu under Trigger to select when you would like this trigger to run.  For HubSpot, we recommend running triggers at the end of a call to ensure all the data associated with the call has been collected and can be sent to HubSpot.
    1. We also recommend selecting “At the end of a call/…”
  5. Slide the slider to on to have the trigger run for all activities



  1. Click +Add Workflow
  2. Choose if Type is Inbound Call
  3. Click Add Action and select HubSpot Record Sync.
  4. Under Entity Mapping, select the name of the field you mapped above.
  5. Object Update/Insert Mode: Choose Insert only.
  6. Check the applicable boxes if you would like to associate the contact to the activity and if you would like to set a record owner (other than the default).
    1. I choose: Use Local Number Format, Associate to Call, Text Form, etc. , and Log Call Engagement.
  7. Click Save Changes.


Scenario #1 Continued…

Peter really wants to get credit for the leads that come through paid search. This is where all the bread and butter behind his services is noticed and appreciated. How will his client know what is working if we can’t track this?

Peter has followed the document and set up the entire workflow so far, but the contacts are not always triggering and coming in as “paid search” in HubSpot. Many of the contacts are coming in as “offline source”. This confuses Peter’s client and doesn’t allow them both to see what is working.

How can Peter fix this? He can create a workflow in HubSpot.

The below “Create a workflow” section is set up for Peter’s example. You can create different settings and enrollment triggers based on your needs.



Create a workflow

A workflow is an automation that in this case will allow our integration to perform seamlessly.

  1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to > Workflows. You will find this on the top menu bar next to reports.
  2. Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 14.35.22
  3. Choose Start from Scratch > Contact Based
  4. Choose Type > Start from scratch
  5. Click Set Enrollment Triggers
  6. Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 14.38.54
  7. Select Filter type > Contact Properties
  8. Search Google Ads Click ID > Click the words Google Ads Click ID when you find them.
  9. Select the radio box – Is Known
  10. Select Apply Filter
  11. Select Or
  12. Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 14.57.23
  13. Search for CTM Call ID
    1. Search for a mapping query that is specific to the field mapping you set up earlier.
  14. Set up the trigger for CTM Call ID by following the same steps you used for Google Ads Click ID.

    Create a new action
  15. Click the + sign
  16. Choose If/then bracket
  17. Select the Contact Properties radio button.
  18. Under Contact Properties – Search - Search for Original Source Type
  19. Select the radio button is any of and choose Offline Source
  20. Select Apply Filter
  21. Select AND
  22. Follow Steps 15-21 and add as an AND CTM Call ID is known, and Email is unknown.

    Set up a CTM Action

    1. Click the + sign under the green CTM branch.
    2. Choose >Set Property Value under the category of Property management.
    3. Select Target property type > Contact
    4. Property to set > Original source type
    5. Original source type > Paid Search

    Note: In the HubSpot if/then branch, the action for “email is unknown” may or may not be necessary. As contacts are coming in for an integration that is currently set up, I see that some emails are manually put in by the agent or known because someone is already in the system. It is therefore not necessarily true that “email will be unknown”. You may want to consider removing this setting if you experience any issues.